Friday, May 30, 2014

My PTSD Septic Tank is Broken

When I built my PTSD house 45 years ago
I installed a septic tank down below

A lot of poop has built up over the decades
Not all of it degrades

One day I thought I smelled something fishy
Went outside and the lawn was all squishy

Repair man said the tank had a crack
Would cost me a lot of jack

Decided to not repair it now
Would mask the smell somehow

City inspector said "Codes are not being met"
I said "Recent rain made the lawn that wet"

Soon the neighbors started to complain
Said I was contaminating the terrain

Later the toilet started to flow over
Because of all that poop out in the clover

Decided to use the toilet upstairs
To avoid those costly repairs

One day I came home and opened the front door
Got covered in poop from that damn war

David Rose - Vietnam Veteran - Combat Medic
Inspired by Dr. Lefton

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