didn't carry a weapon in war
but all of that changed
when I hit my homeland shore
David Rose

A collection of original poetry from a Vietnam War Veteran, David Rose, who is diagnosed with PTSD by the Veterans Administration. Some of these poems are very personal and dark while others are lighter, but I wanted to make them available to the public as an educational tool to everyone who is interested. The poems are copyrighted, but can be used for any nonprofit reason with credits. It is my sincere wish that someone will find these heart-felt writings useful.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Blood On My DD 214
served as medic in that damn war
still not sure what we fought for
did a lot to save my brothers
even saved some of the others
stopping the bleeding was my main job
a lot to lose with each heart throb
grew up fast and learned a lot
had to make the bleeding clot
still have nightmares to this day
seems I can not get away
the cries and screams I heard so loud
hang around as a big dark cloud
destined to live my life with stress
my fate was sealed when I ETS
a nasty curse I should have foreseen
when blood was spilled on my 214
bloody papers I carry through life
a reminder of my wartime strife
like giving me the boot as I walk out the door
painful memories to my very core
David Rose
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Our Guiding Light
Let the courage
of our fallen warriors
be our guiding light;
as we live a joyful,
free life, else our
protectors death
be in vain.
Monday, April 17, 2017
The Line Between Innocence and Immorality
The eyes of innocence are here to see
The brutal acts war brings to me
Served as medic in the war
Involved in task that I abhor
Innocence and immoral don’t mix too well
When thrown into a living hell
David Rose
Stuck on Depression
There are five steps of grief
Stuck on depression could use some relief
Through denial really fast
Long ago it’s in my past
Anger is hanging with me still
Refuse to take another pill
Don’t even know what bargaining is
Skipped it in this tricky biz
Acceptance is where I need to be
Need to get there to be free
David Rose
My Mask
Worn a mask all my life
Concealing my internal strife
Some don’t survive the war
Others come home and hide behind closed door
David Rose
David Rose
Sunday, April 16, 2017
My Past Is Also My Future
Past, present and future
Are all the same for me
PTS my whole life through
No hope can I foresee
Anxiety, vigilance and anger
Are with me every day
Living with this PTS
I guess it's here to stay
David Rose
Gook Voices
I live in the mountains by choice
It's not very often I hear a voice
Had to go into town today
Went to a show and a buffet
Trying to enjoy my meal in peace
All I could hear was Vietnamese
Picked up and moved to another table
Hearing that language I felt unstable
I finished and left as soon as I could
Boy was I in the wrong neighborhood
Did something then I rarely do
Attended a show at the Bijou
In the lobby were video games
Shooting a machine gun and throwing flames
I know it's a game but it got my attention
Instantly became a source of tension
In the wilderness is where I belong
Not in town with the Vietcong
Fifty years I still react this way
I guess I can assume it's here to stay
David Rose
Friday, April 14, 2017
My Only Goal
Survived the war without a gun
Now back home I carry one
It's sad I have to live this way
My homeland in the U.S.A.
Today the threat is from within
This type of war is hard to win
We don't know friend from foe
I'd rather be a GI Joe
Panama looks good to me
Like many countries oversea
Well, with the exception of Seoul
A long way from home is my only goal
David Rose
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Strong But Fragile
I had a very strong mind
Now it's fragile and sidelined
Reached the top of my profession
Now seclusion is my obsession
Wrote many books just for fun
Now I rarely see anyone
Performed guitar all over the world
Now my life is coming unfurled
Made many laugh from the stage
Now my mind is in a rage
Been to heaven up in the sky
Now I am asking myself why
David Rose
I Became
Drafted from school to military service
I became a conscience objector
No weapon to carry no man would I kill
I became a combat medic
Deployed to Nam to support my brothers
I became an ER medic
Displayed some skills and moved on up
I became a surgeons first assistant
Medics are dead we need more help
I became a dust off medic
Have a special ops to do
I became a go to medic
Tour is over time to go home
I became a soul survivor
Flew back home to see my friends
I became a baby killer
Asked the VA for some help
I became an Oedipus Conflict
Placed me in a therapy group
I became a "no longer a fit"
When our troops came home from Iraq?
I became a cheerleader
David Rose
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
No Man Comes Home From War
Death and dying all around
Immoral acts the most profound
You could be the worst of all
Or you could be the Chaps on call
Any heart can plainly see
There is some moral injury
You may survive the war that day
But intrusive thoughts are here to stay
It doesn't matter who you are
All from battle will endure a scar
David Rose
Went To War To Find Love
Warriors are trained to perform a task
Sometimes it's more than we should ask
There's more than training that powers us
It's love for our brothers that is a big plus
Went to war to find love for their brothers
Maybe more than all the others
Providing security so his platoon could advance
Stormed enemy trench to give them a chance
Killed six snipers plus two more by hand
Sacrificed himself while his platoon made a stand
Lewis Albanese MOH
Close range small arms fire near Cam Lo
In comes a hand grenade ready to blow
Throws his body down to soften the blast
Gave his own life so his brothers will last
James Anderson MOH
During enemy attack, comrade falls in the line of fire
Leaves the safety of his hole, knowing the consequences are dire
Positions himself to protect his friend
Watches the enemy aim knowing it's the end
Oscar Austin MOH
Two men in light aircraft take hit and loose power
Parashoot damaged, can't make the tower
Pilot won't survive but the navigator can
Ditched the plane in water to save the other man
Steven Bennett MOH
Ace Dustoff commander near Chu Lai
Flew into the fog with enemy nearby
Utilized 3 helicopters to evacuate 51
It's hard to comprehend what he had just done
Patrick Bradly MOH
Prisoner of war with the Viet Cong for 3 years
Gave his food and meds to support his peers
Refusing to stray he adhered to the code
Gained respect from the enemy for the valor he showed
Donald Cook MOH
David Rose
Sunday, April 2, 2017
No Death In Vain
Our brothers died so we can be free
Live in happiness is their plea
They want us to live with absolute joy
It justifies their order to deploy
Living our lives in stressful pain
Wastes a soul who died in vain
I know we endure an ongoing struggle
Sometimes it's more than we can juggle
We owe it to our brothers who died
To let their courage be our guide
David Rose
Protest The War Not The Warrior
Served a year in that damn war
Doing what Uncle Sam called me for
Didn't know the violence stateside
Busy trying to save my own hyde
Riots on the campus lawn
Students struck with the baton
In the streets were riots a plenty
Not just some there were many
I was sheltered from it all
Working long and taking call
Coming home was another war
Protesters met me at the shore
Protest the war I'll join you there
Respect the medic I was unaware
I was just doing my job
Outside the wire of my FOB
Now I go welcome them back
Cheer them as they step the tarmac
I want to try to make it right
Our history I seek to rewrite
David Rose
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Got To Go - Withdrawal Urgency
Feel I may have to go
Withdrawal effects are starting to show
Pressure rising over time
Anxiety is really starting to climb
The pressure is growing more intense
Destructive tendency doesn't make sense
Actively searching a place of relief
Have to end it is my belief
Got to go, got to go now
Total destruction, doesn't matter how
Don't wet your pants it's messy and rude
Stop your meds and you'll be screwed
Deployed To America
Thought I served my country well
Lucky survivor of that jungle from hell
Didn't want a shaded past
Chose to serve when I was asked
Coming home from that senseless war
Couldn't know what I had in store
Angry protestors threw food on me
Radical act you must agree
Damaged my life that moment in time
As I cleared the food, spit and slime
A personal war began in me
It's clear for all who care to see
Once at home about the same
Friends gave me a lot of shame
Stress so high I started to bleed
Asked for help in my time of need
VA said it all looks good
Shell shock is what they understood
I started to run with nowhere to hide
Couldn't find a doc to confide
All my life I kept so busy
Ran around in an unending tizzy
Couldn't face my feelings then
Intrusive thoughts again and again
Finally I had to seek some support
The VA was my last resort
"PTSD is what fills your head
Take these pills just before bed"
My hands and face all went numb
To these new meds I had just succumb
My hands and face all went numb
To these new meds I had just succumb
Tried to stand up but sat right back down
Because my head was spinning 'round
My pressure spiked to 183
How are these pills so good for me
Please just send me back to war
Better than these meds I abhor
300 hours of counseling endured
With no resolution being assured
Then a diagnosis of oedipus conflict
The deepest wound my Doc could inflict
We medics have a number one rule
"Do no harm" we learned in school
Perhaps the VA should adopt this saying
Might reduce the price that we are paying
Some are hit and lost right away
Some come home and die a little everyday
But there's hope after that lousy war
Therapeutic writing can help us restore
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